The Fifty Bookish Questions tag Part 2


Dear dreamers,

I thought, while I am at school doing nothing else but listening to One direction, why not write the other part of the Fifty Bookish Questions Book tag? Sooooo have fun reading itt!

26. Which book was ruined by its movie adaptation? 

Ehm, I don’t really know one, I already told you about The Mortal Instruments right? The movie was awesome, but I couldn’t even watch one episode of the series on Netflix; they changed everything. Suddenly Lucian Graymark’s skin color changed from white to black. Not that it matters what skin color he has, but it is a big difference. 

28. Which movie has done a book justice?

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. The movie is just so awesome and I think it put in all the right bits from the book. 

29: Do you read newspapers?

Not really, only if someone I know is in it. I do read the news online very often. 

30: Do you read magazines?

Same think. I read them if someone I know is in it. I mostly read all the gossip online though.

31: Do you prefer magazines or newspapers?

That’s a bit difficult because you find different information in them. magazines is mostly gossip or just about one subject, while Newspapers write about multiple subjects.

32: Do you read in bed?

Yessssssssss of course, I love to read in bed. With a soft blanket and a cup of tea and some candles on. 

33: Do you read while on the toilet?

Not really…, I mean sometimes if I just can’t let the book go because for example something really exciting is happening or something. 

34: Do you read in the car?

Depends wether there are a lot of people in the car with me. I always try, but if someone just won’t leave me alone, I give up trying. 

35: Do you read while in bath?

This one hurts. A lot. I don’t have a bath. But if I had one, I would definitely read while in bath.

36: Are you a fast reader?

Depends. I read Girl online and Girl online On Tour in one day.. oeps. But I’m taking ages reading The Kingmakers Daughter. 

37: Are you a slow reader?

Nope, see answer above ahahah.

38: Where is your favorite place to read?

Probably my bedroom, but I also enjoy reading in the train. 

39: Is it hard for you to concentrate while you read?

Not really, if I’m really into the story, I won’t even remember to drink or eat something for hours. 

40: Do you need a room to be silent while you read?

No, luckily I don’t need a room to be silent. There was this one day, when I was sitting by the open window in my room. I think I was reading Twilight, when my mom ran upstairs, telling me that a store a block away from my house , was on fire. I didn’t even noticed it! The whole store was on fire, smoke everywhere and I didn’t notice anything. 

41: Who gave you your love for reading?

I don’t know ahah.

42: What book is next on your list to read?

Miss Peregrin’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs.

43: When did you start reading chapter books?

I was quite young when I started reading chapter books. I think I was 6 or 7? When I got older, I was one of those kids who had to help other younger children with reading. That was all in Dutch of course. 

44: Who is your favorite children’s book author?

Hmm. I think it was the Dutch writer Carry Slee. 

45: Which author would you most want to interview?

Jk Rowling; I have so many questions for her!

46: Which author do you think you’d be friends with?

I have no idea.. 

47: What book have you reread the most?

I think Twilight, or The Hunger Games. 

48: Which books do you consider ‘classic’?

No idea, I think what we call ‘The old classics’ like Jane Austen. 

49: Which books do you think should be taught in school?

God that’s a hard one. I have no idea.. I mean of course books that students would really want to read, but still learn from. No idea which books though. 

50: Which books should be banned from school?

We don’t really have to read certain books for school in The Netherlands, so I don’t know. 

THAT’S IT. FINALLY. That took me aaaggeess.

Hope you enjoyed it though!


Yours faithfully,


Keep dreaming and never give up!